Habit Transformation


The Habit Transformation Program


Develop healthy, life-long habits that will leave you looking, feeling and performing at your best.
This program will help you understand how important your habits are to achieving a healthy and lean body while showing you the essential nutrition and lifestyle habits you need to put in place and follow through with every day.


Over the next 2 weeks, I am challenging you to stick with one daily habit.

Don’t start doing the habit challenge yet.

Your first week of the program should be a slow start, and you’ll spend some time preparing your first habit and then starting as easily as possible.

Aim to achieve the habit six days of the week, with one day of rest each week.

Note: If you miss multiple days, that’s OK, just keep going and pick up where you left off – we’re not on a deadline.


The Habit Transformation Program includes 13 Parts:


Getting Started
You Are What You Eat
Stop Snacking
Protein is Power
Eat Your Greens
Eat Your Carbs
Eat Healthy Fats
Hydrate Like an Athlete
Improve Your Sleep
Eat Real Food
Bulletproof Gut
Reduce Your Stress
52 High Protein Recipe Pack


The cost of the Program is £19.70